Definitely the last one. Definitely.
It seems I keep being called back to South America. It’s such a beautiful and vast continent, it's been a huge part of my life and given me so much, but after my travel through Argentina and Brazil a few months ago I decided that having barely touched Asia, Africa or Australasia, that trip would be my last to South America for a while. Of course life had other plans, and after bring invited to a wedding in Colombia I find myself heading to back one last time. Definitely the last one. Definitely.
The only affordable flights I could find were via Canada, and unfortunately the first leg coincided with the England vs Netherlands semi-final of the Euros. I paid for some expensive in-flight wi-fi and watched the best stuttery stream I could find, alongside many other England fans. In hindsight we realised we should have probably clubbed together and would have all paid less for a better stream, but the mood of quiet celebration between strangers on the plane was a nice one.
I also had a couple of hours to kill in Toronto airport, but was glad to see the Colombia vs Uruguary semi-final of the Copa America being shown. Naturally I ordered a very expensive beer and some poor quality poutine and sat down to cheer for Colombia with the Brazilian sitting next to me and a load of Colombians also about to board the same flight as me.
The latest adventure begins!